„The name Westerkamp stands for quality and service …and for many more things!“

We understand the management of a modern industrial company, and our duty to provide good performance by offering competitive products of high quality and service. It is just as important for us to create a good atmosphere for our employees and to continue the good and confidential cooperation with our long lasting customers and suppliers.

Woodflour markets:

By observing the markets for wood and products thereof, and by comparing our performance with that of our competitors, we can define our targets and react instantly to the changes and requirements of the different markets.

Economical growth:

By developing new products and processes, and by improving the structure and work flow within the organization, we secure our jobs and the future of the company.


By taking into account the appropriate laws, and the standards set by the manufacturing safety authorities, we have a defined framework for our quality management. By carrying out internal and external analysis, product safety is continuously checked and improved. By regular staff training and courses, both internal and external, the employees are consistently trained and prepared.

Technical maintenance:

By employing our own personnel for maintenance, repair and cleaning of the technical machinery and devices, we secure a continuous, accurate, and safe function of the production equipment.


We have introduced a DIN EN 50001 energy management system, demonstrating our care for the environment.


Through the efficient and gentle use of resources like wood, energy, water, and production additives, we live sustainably within our company. The raw material originates mostly from sustainable forestry, the drying of the wood chips is operated by our wood chip heating system, and our offices and social rooms are heated by a wood pellet heater.

Key accounts:

The reliability of product quality, service, and on time delivery is the basis for our long term partnerships with our customers. To keep it that way, we continuously optimize our processes, services and our quality management.

A safe workplace:

To ensure the health and safety of our employees, we have established a safety system that far exceeds the legal requirements.

Maintaining employee satisfaction:

We use a variety of tools and opportunities that give our employees a pleasant working environment and promote them both professionally and personally. We do this out of responsibility towards the individual and the society.


The long-standing trust and cooperation with customers, suppliers, sales partners, and employees ensures that we continue to grow and find success together. Our family business attitude towards human contact and social responsibility remains strong despite our growth.
